Monday, April 28, 2014

Frisbees, Families, and Fairy Princesses

This week was short so there isn't much to say but I'll say some things I guess. Hahaha.

Starting last Monday my companion and I have started going out early in the morning to play frisbee with the other missionaries in the district. As most of you know (after being hit in the eye with a frisbee when I was younger) i've never wanted to play... because i'm a quitter and a big baby. But we've been going and guess what--- I'm actually obsessed with it. Hahahah. Some missionaries pray for the gift of tongues on their missions. Some missionaries pray for their investigators. And I pray that I'll be able to catch the frisbee. Hahaha. Really though I love it and it's the best part of my morning. And thus family get ready--- we will be playing frisbee all the time this summer. (: (: (:

Also we're teaching a couple families the gospel right now we have the X family which consists of a Mom and her high school aged son (but the dad really doesn't want them to be baptized or meet with missionaries so we just see them at church every week). Then there is the T family who is a Mom, Dad, and their son. They are awesome and already have enough Christian background that they do well at understanding the message and they are really interested. Last there is the H family which is a mom, dad, and three kids. Right now only the mom is investigating, but the we kno the kids and the next time we go over, the dad will probably be home so we can meet him too!! Also last night we met the F Family on the street who will start meeting with us after I already leave the area.

And then on our bike ride to the church there are big taro fields that we look at while we go. I don't know if you know anything about taro but its a root that grows under swampy water and is delicious and the plant part that is out of the water are these GIANT lily pads. And every time we right by I always wish I was a fairy princess and that I could just prance across the lily pads. So great.

So last night when my companion and I got home we went up to the 28th floor of our building (aka the roof) and we looked out over the city. It was beautiful. With the lights, and the dark sky, and the river down below I felt so blessed to be in such a beautiful city. We spent the next little bit talking about everything (mostly things I've learned on my mission and my goals and plans and what I want to continue to learn and grow). It was a really cool experience. That is something that I love about my companion right now is that we can just talk about everything. She's definitely a life long friend. And she's one of those people that asks the right questions to get you to really think about things and ponder about life. It's cool. Life is cool. I still don't have all the answers to all the questions in life-- but I'm enjoying the ride and I'm pumped to keep learning.

Oh and I need to tell you about the "hua che." Flower car. Taiwan is awesome. When something great happens they pull out the hua che and when something terrible happens they pull out the hua che. It's essentially a parade with one or more cars that are covered in flowers that play music (usually every car is playing different music-- so it's just a loud ruckus). And people bang on drums and people sings karoke and it stops traffic. It's hilarious. And yesterday while we were trying to have a lesson with our investigators there we about a million hua che's driving by. Hahaha. It was so loud. It's definitely something that is not as common in America. Hahah.

Anyway mostly I just love you all. I can't believe I'm starting up my last FULL week on island. It'll be a great week. I look forward to a lot of miracles and finding a lot of solid investigators with Sister Johansen.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

T-3 posts left

It's been a really long week and a half because we went on three exchanges this past week-- and thus Sister Johansen and I are EXHAUSTED!! But it's been good. I left Nankan for all three exchanges so I feel especially tired! Hahah. Last Tuesday I went to Pingzhen with Sister Chen. It was awesome and we saw some really cool miracles. I learned a lot from her!! Then just two days later I went to Taoyuan City with Sister Mao. Also super awesome! Then the next day I left again to go to Bade with Sister Singh. My precious Bade. It's always good to go back! (: Anyway I found myself missing my companion a lot. Seriously Sister Johansen is a rockin friend and we need to be friends forever and ever and ever! It's been nice to be doing missionary work again with her the past couple of days.

On Saturday evening we had kind of a cool experience. We switched back at the church after and exchange and we only had about an hour and a half to eat dinner and share the gospel so it would have wasted our time to bike back to our area just to have to bike back again after dinner to see the baptism that evening. So we decided to just eat in the area and figured we'd find something to occupy our time for the other half hour. Just as we were leaving the chapel to find some food, this man and his son pulled into the church saying they wanted to see the inside. So OBVIOUSLY we gave him a church tour. He came to church the next day too! So we introduced him to the missionaries assign to his area and he became one of their solid new investigators! Such a cool miracle! And dinner was good too. (:

That evening we went to visit the X. family and they had to cancel because their dad is not too happy that missionaries come over. But they came to all of church the next day and that was cool because that's the first time they've stayed! After church we finished teaching them the lessons. We're still praying really hard that they'll be able to get baptized on my last Saturday in town. We'll see!

This past Friday we had a member of the quorum of the seventy (Elder Wilson) and his wife come and talk to us about the Book of Mormon. They emphasized that people need to have spiritual experiences with the Book of Mormon in order to know that this church is true and to stay active in it. So we've really been working hard at reading the Book of Mormon with investigators to help them get started. Also speaking of the Book of Mormon-- I'M GETTING SO FAR IN MY CHINESE BOOK OF MORMON!! I should finish soon. How about you? Whose gonna finish the Book of Mormon before I get home?

ALSO I FINISHED READING THE BIBLE YESTERDAY!! I feel so accomplished. I can officially say that I have read the whole Bible. That's a feat. So now when people question me because I read the Book of Mormon I can say I've read both the Book of Mormon AND the Bible. Yes!

So something that really stood out to me last Friday at the meeting with Elder Wilson was actually when we met with just the Sisters and Sister Wilson. She talked about a scripture in Corinthians that talks about these clay pots. She mentioned that there are these clay pots that people have in the middle east that over time as they get old they form small cracks in the sides. She said that people put a light in the bottom of the pot and a lid on top and the only way to see the light is through the cracks. I think it's interesting. We are like these imperfect cracked clay pots. Yes we have cracks, but God allows us to shine THROUGH our cracks and imperfections. So if we spend our whole life trying to look perfect and cover up those cracks, then we will never shine the way God intended us too. So the moral of the story is that: We aren't perfect, but we must embrace our imperfections and be who we are because God knows how to let us shine even when we have cracks. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! It's so true. And I'm so NOT perfect. But I'm working on being the best version of myself that I can be.

ALSO MOM AND DAD HAPPY 29TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!! I've never committed to anyone for more that a month or so--- so I'm super impressed by you two!! Hahahah.

And Happy Easter!!!

This past Monday after my companion and I got back from our third exchange we had all day to go finding together. We actually saw a lot of cool miracles--- I think the Mondays that we don't have p-day always become miracle Mondays! So cool. But the best part is that right around dinner time we decided to sit down on this grassy ledge and say hi to all of the people walking on the path down below. This is when we realized that missionaries are SO good at breaking ice. We seriously just talk to anyone and everyone. It's bizarre. I was never like that before my mission. But now I can just go to anyone and strike up a conversation. I think it definitely has to do with the fact that I'm a representative of Jesus Christ. But it's cool.

Also on Monday evening we talked to this random man while we were sitting on a bench and when he left, another man (from China) who was so amazed that we were speaking Chinese came to talk to us in probably the thickest southern chinese accent I've ever heard. He was so hard to understand. But the best part is that he spit when he spoke and accidently got a massive piece of flem on the flyer we were trying to give him... and somehow the flem got on my hand. SICK!! But we did successfully give him the flyer. Hahah. And I washed my hands. SICK SICK SICK SICK!!

Anyway-- that's about all for this week. I still love my life and I'm still working hard!!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Defend your beliefs

I can't believe that time is ticking down to the day that I'll step off that plane and see your lovely faces again. Also it stresses me out because people out here talk about how I need to get married and then my palms get sweaty and I want to cry because the idea of going on a date just seems so bizarre to me. But what matters most is that we are hitting the streets out here. Sister Johansen and I are working so hard. Between exchanges, meetings, training other missionaries and working hard in our area we have been so busy and by the time 10:25 comes at night and I can hit the sack I'm wiped and I sleep like a rock until 6:25 when we get up and run for a half hour. Busy busy busy. And also one of the most exciting transfers of my mission because there is ALWAYS something to be done. Sister Jo is a rockin missionary and such a good example to me.

Also the weather here has been AWESOME!! And my little feet have turned to a nice shade of dark brown.. (: which is nice because I have white little toes. TWO TONED WHAT WHAT?!? But really the nice weather has been awesome. I hope it keeps up because this next week we're going on three exchanges. (And next monday is not p-day so I won't be able to write to ya'll until next wednesday after I go to the temple!!!!)

Mom: I had a thought-- my first meal home must have brownies. I've had brownies only about 5 times on my mission.

So a fun story from this week... We we're biking home from a zone training meeting in a really far away place and it was hot and BEAUTIFUL outside. My companion and I were completely stress free because we were done with the trainings we had to present. At a stoplight we saw a woman crossing the road with her adorable dog (that looks exactly like Amos, just shorter and longer) chasing after her. Poor dog was SO hot and super tired and the woman was standing on the other side of the road beckoning him to run faster because the light was about to turn green. Well here's the crazy part-- Taiwanese drivers start driving before the light turns green. I watched as this dogs path brought him right in front of a car that had already started driving forward and I saw this woman's face as she watched her fatigued little pup almost get crushed and then with out even thinking I just drove up and cut this SUV off so that he'd stop and not hit the dog. I'm not completely sure what I was thinking throwing me and my wimpy little orange bike in front of a moving vehicle to save a dog... but I felt good afterward. Hahah.
*No animals were hurt in the making of this film.

Last couple things: We're praying hard for a few people who are really close to baptism. Right now we're working closely with a girl who is almost graduated from high school in hopes that she can get baptized this month. The other is a mom and her son (the daughter in this family will wait until after she takes this big test to be baptized). They set a baptismal date for my last Saturday here. We are praying hard for them. They really felt the spirit at conference so I think they can make it. We love this family!!!!

Lastly. I loved conference this weekend!!! What were your favorite parts? I really liked a lot of things here's some lessons that stuck out to me most.

"What would Jesus do?" will not always bring a popular result.
Amidst suffering- show an increased amount of love and self-control.
We warn of the things that are not seen- not of the things that are seen.
Times are changing, but truth is not and we will not.
In the gospel of Jesus Christ there is no place for ridicule, bullying, or bigotry.
Every day or every hour you can choose to make or keep a covenant with God.
"Oh it'll all work out."
Courage, not compromise brings the smile of God's approval.
Heavenly Father smiles on you every time you help a daughter of god press forward on that covenant path and every time you do good. He expects you to treat everyone you meet as a child of God.

Anyway those things were only from Saturday. All of conference was good. I think what I loved was the woman's broadcast and realizing that I am part of something much bigger than myself. The church is true and we have the privilege to be part of it!!!

Oh I forgot to mention. My wrist was hurting SO BAD yesterday and I had shooting pains going up my arm. So so so so so painful. It's fine now, but the hilarious part is that apparently in my sleep last night I told my companion that my arm hurt and she was like so what are you going to do? and I said "I'm probably gonna die." I guess I'm just as ridiculous and over exaggerated in my sleep as I am in real life!!