Tuesday, December 11, 2012

6 Weeks in the MTC

Wow! I can't believe I've been out for six weeks! I'm halfway through my MTC time. It's amazing to me how much I've grown and progressed both spiritually and with my Chinese. There really is a spirit of progression here at the MTC. I know that this spirit that I feel daily can be felt anywhere--by reading the Book of Mormon. that has kind of been the theme of this week. Study the scriptures and you shall find answers to ALL of your questions. I really have a testimony of the scriptures... especially the Book of Mormon. Before I get all spiritual, I guess I should mention some of the cool things from this week.
I talked to President McIff of the Mission presidency in the cafeteria the other day. He knows Grandpa Anderson and told me I have great grandparents. He's right--and even though he doesn't know all my grandparents, I know all four of you and I think ALL of you are fantastic and such incredible examples of faith for me.
Today I had lunch with President Brown. This is our third encounter.... Everytime we run into each other I have been wearing a different pair of glasses. It always confuses him at first. After a conversation with him at lunch, he told my companion and I that he is proud to have us here and he feels very strongly that we are here for the right reasons. (Please note, he asked if I had a boy waiting for me  back home. SO HILARIOUS! I laughed out loud and told him that of course I don't!)
This past Saturday, one of my best friends (Kyle Bishop) volunteered at the TRC. At the TRC we practice giving lessons in Chinese to members who speak the language. It's mostly good practice to speak Chinese with people who understand what you are talking about and can give you some good feedback. Teaching Kyle was probably the highlight of my weekend. The spirit was really strong in our lesson and we were all uplifted together.
Also this weekend, Sister Latimer and I were called as music coordinators for our branch. This means we pick the hymns for Sacrament ad Priesthood meetings. Awesome!
I've discovered something this past week that has been AMAZING! It's called planning. LOL! In the life of a missionary, you take the time every evening from 9:00-9:30pm to plan for the next day. My favorite part about this is making a language study plan. This essentially means that every minute of everyday is planned out and I am studying Chinese during any down time... Literally. I bring my flashcards to gym and study new vocab while I'm waiting in line to play four square. I have noticed a huge difference in my day since I started doing this. I have been learning roughly 30 words a day plus any extras that I need for my lessons. I have also begun to memorize scriptures. This week I've been memorizing Alma 7:11-12 in Chinese (and I still plan to do verse 13). It's an amazing scriptures.  
11 And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.
 12 And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.
13 Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me. 

Basically I have learned a lot about how to make this time the most beneficial. I have noticed since my planning has improved that the gift of tongues has also come easier. Last night, as a district, we read our scriptures together. We usually do this in English, but now we're starting to read in Chinese. We read and discuss the scriptures completely in Chinese. Last night we started in Alma 26. We only made it through the first eight verses. It was amazing to me how much I understood without having to look up the English. When we discussed the scriptures and what we got out of it, I was happy to share my thoughts. I felt very strongly after reading these scriptures that God will truly make me an instrument in his hands. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity. I know He will help me learn Chinese and that all my progression comes from His goodness. I shared that with my class. A few other elders added their testimonies to mine. It was a very special moment. And it was all in Chinese. The gift of tongues is real!
Today my companion and I went to the temple (it's the best part about Tuesdays). As we were leaving I ran into my friend Lizzie Tutt from my major at BYU. She comes into the MTC on January 9 (give or take). She's going to Vancouver Canada. I'm so happy for her! I also ran into a girl who enters the MTC in February going to Taiwan Taipei. She told me she was a little nervous, but I told her not to worry because the gift of tongues is real. (I probably sound like a broken record!)
In my personal study everyday I have been devoting about 15 minutes to studying the life of Christ. I decided a week or so ago that I need to start being more like Christ. He really is the greatest role model. I have learned so much since I began this study and I have noticed my heart begin to change. I hope that when people meet me they are reminded of Christ and grow in their desire to know Him better. My most recent personal revelation is about the things I say. I have decided to start being more aware of what I say and also how I say it. Words really do affect people. I don't want to hurt anyone, so it's important to watch myself in that aspect.
I also thought today as I read Matthew 7 about judging others. It's easy to be judgmental, but I really want to start working on doing less of that. It will also probably be easier to speak kindly if there is no judgment in my heart and mind.
I have also decided in my time here (but mostly today) that I need to be better at applying the gospel precepts to my life. Since I desire to be more Christ-like, I know this will really help. Basically I want to do what Nephi mentions in 1 Nephi 19:23. Everything I read, I need to apply to my life in some way. I've dont a much better job of that in the more recent days. Today, while reading the end of Matthew 7 (the parable about the wise man who builds his house on a rock), I decided that someday when I'm a mother, I want to be able to have a stable home where my kids can grow in the gospel and feel comfortable turning to the Lord for all things. I know that's a long time from now, but it's the revelation I received today and I'm sure it will help any mother's who are out there. I know that as we strive to live like Christ, our children (or mine in the future as the case is) will also have the desire to find that happiness that we enjoy through living a virtuous and honorable life. In a world where standards are increasingly lowering, this will be a useful principle to live by.
Lastly, go read Doctrine and Covenants 31:6. It's all about how my family will be blessed during my service. I am happy to be out here and I find great comfort in this promise. I miss you all of course, but I've never felt like I have done anything more important in my life than I am right now. This chruch is true and I am so blessed to be part of the work of helping other people understand their purpose in life. I know that we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. He loves us and will give us the revelation we need to return to him through prophets, scriptures, and our own personal revelation. Continue to seek after the things of God and I know he will bring all things to your knowledge.
I love you so much family. Stay safe. Give everyone an extra hug for me every day (:
Love always,
Sister Micaela Anderson

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