Dear Family,
I'm glad to hear that things are going well on the homefront. I'm glad you have the temple to keep you sane. January's are hard. I can tell. But keep pressing on. I read a scripture this morning that I think will help when things get tough. Mosiah 21:5. The people were surrounded on every side. I think we all understand what that feels like. The important part is not that they are surrounded, but rather how they react to the trial. These people murmured. I guess that's one option. But there is another option. That is to humble yourself before the Lord and do His will. It's weird how keenly aware I am of my attitude now that I am in Taiwan. People here don't have as much as we do. Not at all. They don't even have as much as I do as a missionary (I LIVE IN A CASTLE), but they are so positive about life. Their example is amazing and I really am so happy to be serving them.
Garrett and Braeden: You two never cease to amaze me. I hope to hear from you both. I want to know how your scripture study is coming. I can't even express enough how much my testimony of the scriptures has grown while being out here. I have a revelatory experience every single time I study the scriptures and I know you can too.
Dad: You are a trooper. Seriously, I'm so glad that I get to have you as my papaaa. Your example of hard work really keeps me going when jet lag brings me down.
Mom: I'm sorry that the handwritten letters won't be as frequent. I don't have much time on Pday. I do have lots of time to email though. (:
Okay now here's the general letter. Let everyone know that if I respond to them with hand written letters that it will take a long time because I really don't have much time to write.
Grandma and Grandpa Teel: Thank you SO MUCH for the financial support you are giving me. I know that it is helping my family a lot and I am working hard to live up to the Teel name even though I don't have it on my name tag. I do have the name of Christ on my name tag and I figure that will have to do. I love you both a lot and I really really appreciate what you do for me and my family.
Aunt Leslie: YOU ROCK! Seriously. What more can I say? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Grandma and Grandpa Anderson: You both are great. You are more than welcome to email me. Grandparents and immediate family have that priviledge. Lucky you!
I don't even know where to start. Since coming to Taiwan I have changed A TON! First of all, I have a stellar companion and I'm in an awesome area. I'm in Xin Zhuang. It's just south of Taibei. There are a LOT of people here. And they are very receptive to a little white girl speaking Chinese (regardless of how poorly I do it and how undignified I look on a bike with a skirt). The thing I'm having the most trouble with right now is understanding them. It's frustrating, but I already mentioned that my companion is solid! Her name is Sister Daye. She's from Utah and I absolutely adore her. She has such a solid testimony and we work hard together. We get along really well too.
The flights to get here were long. I only slept about 3 hours in the whole thing so I'm not running on a whole lot of extra sleep. That plus jet lag takes it's toll, but I couldn't be happier.
The first two days we got her were just orientation. We lived in temple housing and learned kind of the technical ins and outs of the mission. My mission president and his wife are AWESOME! And Sister Day is such a great cook. She will take good care of us. So we arrived on Wednesday night. On Thursday we did a lot of orientation and met our trainers (however they weren't assigned yet). We went out with one of the trainers that evening to do some street contacting. I was paired up with Sister Daye who ended up actually being my trainer her in Xin Zhuang. I'll be paired up with her for the next 12 weeks until she goes home. And actually, because of the amount of sisters coming into the mission field, there is a 90% chance that I'll be a trainer right after she leaves. No pressure! Eeek!
Anyway we went out that evening for two hours to proselyte. I was SCARED TO DEATH! Literally. I wanted to cry so badly. I don't feel confident in my Chinese--especially in a contacting situation. Sister Daye and I went down to the street and said a prayer. Then we set goals and made plans. Our goals were to give out a Book of Mormon and to find a family. When we said our second prayer, I felt strongly about what we were about to do and was filled with a sense of confidence that the Lord would take care of me despite my language barrier. We headed over to the park and at the first stoplight we hit, we started talking to an older couple. She mentioned that her mother had met with missionaries a long time ago before she died. They are Christians. They pulled over to talk to us and we actually talked for a quite awhile. Sister Daye ended up talking to the wife while I talked to the husband. I was amazed by how much I understood and could communicate my thoughts. I know that the gift of interpretation of tongues was in action there and I am so grateful for the Lord's help. We gave them a Book of Mormon and committed them to start reading. They weren't particularly interested in meeting again, but they did say they'd read the Book. It was a great start.
The next thing we did was go to the park. After talking to a few people who just walked on by, we were about to find a new area when a lady came and sat on a bench while her son played. I thought we needed to go talk to her. We did and ended up having an amazing experience. She has a son and a daughter and her husband works in law. She doesn't have any particular religious beliefs, and she was VERY receptive to our message. We taught her the entire first lesson, gave her a tract about families and committed her to pray with hers. She said she would so we taught her how to pray and promised that prayer will really bring her family closer together. We also gave her a Book of Mormon and committed her to start reading it. We got her contact information and sent it to Sister Taylor. The lady said she'd like to meet with the missionaries in the church building. PERFECT! I was glowing the rest of the evening. I still think about her a lot.
Okay that description really doesn't do it justice. When I went to bed that night I was just so happy. The other missionaries had a lot of success that night too. Elder Senkans committed someone to get baptized. He's Latvian. They have special powers.
The next morning we had a transfer meeting where we found out what areas we were assigned to and who our trainers are. I was thrilled to have Sister Daye. She is really amazing. We had one more orientation meeting, ate lunch then they sent us off to start the work.
In the last few days we have seen so many miracles occur. The first day I started biking my rear had a hard time adjusting to the new seat. Eek! We ran into a man on a scooter with a dog and started talking. I asked him if he'd be interested in meeting with missionaries. He said yes. The light was about to turn, but we gave him a Restoration tract and told him that he could come to church and meet us. He said he would try to in the next few weeks. I was so happy after that conversation. My very next thing that I had to do was bike up a monster hill on an achy rear. I think the Lord gave me this miracle so that I'd have the energy to make it up the hill. THAT'S HOW AWARE HE IS OF ALL OF OUR NEEDS!!
I had a really good time at church too. I didn't understand a ton, but I was invited to bear my testimony. Afterwards everyone said my Chinese sounded really standard. I guess that's good? Here's the thing though. I don't understand NEARLY as much as they expect me too. Sunday School was great though. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and I understood EVERY SINGLE BIT! I was so happy. It was such a blessing to be able to be involved in the class.
After church we had a lesson with one of our investigators. She has an amazing story. She has been coming to church for a few weeks and only met the missionaries a couple times. She has been smoking two packs a day for the past 30 years. Sister Daye said they've been trying to get her to quit so much, but she just doesn't think she can. We asked on Sunday how that was coming. She told us that two days ago she quit for good. WHAT?! Where did that even come from?! I was so happy! Also she's been reading the Book of Mormon a lot too. This was just the first half of our miracle with her. Our lesson was about the Plan of Salvation (thank Heavens I had a nice review of that during Sunday School). We taught her about the plan and at the end I felt like I should mention the gospel of Christ an the things that we do to make it to the Celestial Kingdom. I mentioned faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. Sister Daye asked her if she knows what baptism is. She didn't. Her son explained it to her. Then I taught her about Jesus and how even he was baptized and I extended the invitation to follow His example. SHE SAID YES! She didn't even miss a beat. She new exactly what she wanted and that this was right. I think the Lord helped her quit smoking so that her intellect would be clear enough for her to make the right decision. The spirit was so strong in the lesson and I really gained a personal testimony of the Plan of Salvation and the spirit that is invited when you talk about it. Seriously I wanted to scream because I was so happy.
We've experienced a lot of other little miracles in the past few days too. For example, on our way here to the internet cafe to email you. We stopped by a woman. I asked her how her day was going. She asked what business I had. I didn't realize that she wasn't actually asking what I was heading to do. She was asking why I was talking to her. I told her that we were going to email our families. That confused her, but it started us talking about why I was emailing my family! She asked if we wanted her to come to church and we said yes. Lol! We gave her a pamphlet telling where it was. That'd be so sweet if she came!
Okay now I'm running out of time. I want you all to know how much I love you. I apologize that I don't have pictures. I forgot to bring my card to the internet cafe. WHOOPSIES! I'll see if I can get some from my companion. I couldn't be happier doing the work I am doing. There is a huge adjustment to the food and the language and biking in a skirt, but I seriously am feeling so blessed. The Lord's hand is evident in His work. It's an amazing sight to see.