Saturday, January 5, 2013

An unexpected email...

They told me I'm supposed to email you because I went to a podiatrist today. Anyway I'm doing well. Yesterday morning I fell down playing basketball and rolled my ankle. They sent me to the doctor and they referred me to a podiatrist. I was on crutches yesterday and today. At the podiatrist they took some x-rays and concluded that I tore a ligament on the side of my foot. They gave me a brace and a post-op shoe. I have to wear the shoe for a couple days and the brace for a month or so. On January 17th I have a follow up appointment to see if the ligament is healing itself. If not, then they'll have to repair it in whatever way they repair ligaments (I think that means surgery). I guess we'll see what happens. For now I just have this boot get up and when it hurts badly I need to use the crutches--which I might do tonight becuase it's starting to irritate me. Anyway, I don't want anyone to be alarmed. Just keep me in your prayers.
I love you all,
Sister Anderson

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