Sunday, April 7, 2013

Love you all!

Sorry today's letter will be short. I usually write through out during the week things that I want to mention. This week wasn't all that special though. Don't get me wrong, we definitely had miracles, but it just wasn't as jam packed. Also I had a headache all week so I don't remember much.

Here's a good story though.

This is about our golden investigator. We absolutely love her so so much!  She is distancing herself from some of her friends that want to go to another church because she realizes that they have different standards now and she wants to live with God's standard. It's amazing. She absolutely knows this is the true church. We can tell her level of commitment by the tactics that satan uses against her. (REALLY THOUGH). So here's how committed she is. Last week she had promised a friend to go to church with them (months ago) so she had to go, but she brought a copy of the conference Liahona that we lended her and read it during church. She also brought the boy she likes and when he thought it was weird she said "don't worry, my church is much more peaceful." Then we hadn't gotten in touch in a while so we stopped by her house. Apparently we rang the doorbell just as she was about to call us. She set up for that night. We started teaching the third lesson. She stopped us at baptism and said she's nervous because she's having a hard time with one particular hurdle. We started talking about priesthood blessings and fasting (because these things will help her quit). She really wants a blessing and wants to know more about fasting. We ran out of time so set up for the next day when we were doing temple tours. We'd have her come to the temple to do a tour with us. By the time her appointment came, she wasn't there. We were getting worried. This is where satan comes in. HE HIT HER WITH A CAR! Yes, Satan knows that this investigator is NOT going to budge...SO HE HIT HER WITH A CAR. SO RIDICULOUS. Needless to say, she couldn't make it to the temple because she got run over (exaggeration). The situation is laughable. Anyway, she is perfectly fine and not hurt, but that night she was sore enough that she couldn't really do anything. The next day she was going to come to church and we had her blessing all scheduled. She got a fever. I don't blame her for not coming. A cold and a fever are very different. The moral of the story is that Satan is hitting her with things she can't control (like cars). That is how we know she is solid (:

I absolutely love her so much. Our sweet little miracle. You all would love her too. 

I read a cool thing in the scriptures too. Alma 35:6-10 The People of Ammon were threatened for standing up for their brethren. How committed are you to standing up for family member? Friends? New members of the church? I hope that all of us are willing to go out of our comfort zone to stand up for people. Especially our family members.

Wow I really don't have much to say. I've moved on to phase two in my language study. This means I just have 2000+ words to learn. I plan to test it the end of this month when Sister Daye leaves.

I haven't eaten anything too crazy this week. They do something cool here where they wrap  fried rice in an egg. It's the best thing ever. I don't know how they do it though.

Also I think my language has improved this week.

Also I read a lot of conference talks. I HATE THAT I HAVE TO WAIT AN EXTRA WEEK FOR CONFERENCE.

Wow I'm sorry I don't have more to say. I have some pictures though. *Still trying to learn to post them..

We did temple tours last Friday. They went really well. We had a woman come in with her son. He was interviewing to go to BYU. We did a tour with them. She had a question about the Book of Mormon half way through the tour so we changed directions and talked to her about that and how it is our convincing evidence that Joseph Smith was a prophet. They LOVED IT! They both gave us two referrals and were so excited to have their own copy of the Book of Mormon. It was super exciting. After our tour they went and sat on the couch and started reading and praying on their own. GOLD! That was a really cool experience to be part of. 

Also, we went on exchanges this week so I spent a day in Tucheng with Sister Sutton. While there we found this AWESOME girl. She seemed really interested in the feel of families and respect for families so I felt like I should mention the temple. She was so excited to hear about that because it's different from her church and was more than willing to set up, take a Book of Mormon, read the intro, and exchange contact information. She is super adorable and so I'm really excited that the Tucheng sisters get to start meeting her. Sweet sweet girl.

Wow this week really was good. It's a shame I missed it all because of my headache. Oh well. I get many many more weeks out here. 

Also I've been on a mission for almost 6 months. Weird. AND i've been on island for almost 3 months. When you look at it that way, time is FLYING BY.


Love Cae

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