Okay family! I love you all! I hope these emails are fun for you to read. Sometimes I forget about my week. Seriously I think I have the world's worst memory. (However I do remember that I don't hear from the boys often--- ya'll should jump on the email sister bandwagon <3)
First of all-- NEXT WEEK I GET TO GO TO THE TEMPLE! HOORAY! But that does mean that my pday will be changed from next monday to next wednesday so you'll have to wait a little longer for my adventures. I promise they'll be good though because SURPRISE I'm getting a duan chuan. Meaning: we're going to the mission office on wednesday to pick up our week long mini missionary. She'll be with us for a week. That means one week of a tripanionship one of them being taiwanese aka one week of all Chinese. Eek! Moral of the story: I'm a little nervous to be the senior companion of two missionaries this week while doing training and everything. We have a lot of lessons to set up. It'll be interesting to teach together. It'll all be fun though for sure!
Anyway- Kyle told me he found my blog and got caught up on reading my emails and that they're hilarious. I hope I can keep that up and not lose my personality this next year because THAT would be a disaster. When did I see kyle you ask? Well that would be two days ago. My companion and I were in a group that sang at some sort of fair event thing. It was... interesting. I'm not sure what we sounded like... but hopefully it sounded good and balanced. You can ask Kyle about that one. It was a fun thing to get out to.
Last week at one of the member's homes we ate... well let me back up. I'm not sure if you know this but my table manners have definitly regressed. A lot. For dinners at members home we all just get a bowl of rice, chopsticks, and we all pick around for the food that is on plates for everyone to use. I pretty much hold my bowl the entire time and when I get down to almost nothing I put it to my mouth and scoop it in. (Good thing I have a whole summer to get used to eating again before I go to BYU and have to eat with other people who don't appreciate me as much as ya'll do.) Anyway sometimes she has eggs there (we eat it all with rice. mmm). Well the eggs last week had a ton of tiny tiny fishes in it. It was the weirdest thing. Creepy almost. Needless to say, when I cook for you all after my mission to give you the Taiwan experience, we won't have this dish. That being said, we're going to have regular China nights at home and I intend to teach you all how we do things out here. PLUS I so look forward to speaking the the people from Golden China in Chinese. mmm. I LOVE MY LIFE!
We love English class out here. I have officially switched roles with Elder Hagedorn. He is now the desk lady and I teach the beginning English class. It's a fun class. I really like teaching <3
Last monday my companion and I ended up playing Risk with a bunch of people. It's some weird new version of Risk and we had to play on teams as companions. Everyone else knew how to play except me and my companion. Therefore-- it was MEGA lame at first because no one would tell us what to do. We occupied our time texting each other in a draft text message on our phone instead. It was pleasant.
Also-- body beautiful needs to restart. I'm getting chunky. Okay really I'm not-- it's definitely the clothes. But regardless, I want to get back into dancing so I'm setting the painful goals of getting my flexibility and my strength back while I'm on my mission so that I can dance when I get home and pick it up quickly.
The other day we went to a baptism and while we were setting up, I put my phone on the window sill. When I went back to look for it, it was gone. OH NO! We all spent sometime searching for it. I think a small child grabbed it. We got it back eventually. Thank heavens!
Lastly on my list of random things it mangos. Let me tell ya-- I AM ADDICTED! The mangos here are ridiculous! The other day I think I ate like 5 in one day (between member visits and such). Oh there is something I love here. Anytime you go to someone's home they always give you fruit to eat. I will definitely carry on that tradition at home. But the moral of the story is that people here know how addicted I am to mangos and we have them ALL THE TIME! mmm delicious!!!
Okay now onto the spiritual side of things.
This month I'm working on charity. It turns out that I don't think I'm a very loving person-- mostly it's the quick judgments I make about people or negative thoughts I have about people. I'm working especially hard on trying to be more charitable and control my thoughts better. It's harder than you think. Being nice and loving on the outside isn't too hard, but starting that from within so that all the nice/loving things you do are genuine is a little tougher. I'm not a mean person-- but we could all be a little more charitable in this world. I challenge you to study christlike attributes and find what it is that you would like to work on. (Faith, Hope, Charity and love, Knowledge, Diligence, Obedience, Virtue, Patience, and Humility)
Also I finished the Book of Mormon in English so now I'm reading the Doctrine and Covenants (and I read the Book of Mormon in chinese). I came across D&C 19:37-38 the other day. I love it. Moral of the story is that I need to speak freely with people and also pray more often in my mission.
Oh yesterday a mom and a daughter just randomly walked into church. They stayed and we were able to set up with them at the end. What a nice surprise! I LOVE MY LIFE!
Okay family that's all I have time for! I love you all.
I know this gospel is true. I hope everyone is trying hard to share it everyday with everyone. Be the best member missionary you can. And read the conference talk it's a miracle by Elder Andersen!
cae <3
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Micaela Anderson
Okay so because of bugs we have to stick any trash that is food in the freezer. Well we definitely go a little overboard because we just stick everything in the freezer if we run out of room in our trash can. It's kind of out of control. <3 We finally took it all out during dinner the other day. It was a LOT of trash. We are the most disgusting two people in the world. Seriously, disposals are the greatest. I much prefer the trash system in America. <3
So heres a picture of the mango ice that we get every time we go to temple grounds. SO DELICIOUS! |
This is at a restaurant we go to often. these noodles are DELICIOUS! love taiwan and love taiwan food <3 |
subway. mmmm (: |
the pictures in the elevators in buildings are HILRIOUS! I can't read what the words say, but a picture says 1000 words (: |
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