Monday, January 28, 2013

Miracles! Miracles! Miracles!

Since Micaela was traveling last week over her Preparation Day "P-Day", we missed a letter from her.  I did get a brief message left on my phone from the airport, and then a 60 second call when she arrived in her destination.  She sounded good and we were thrilled to get this email today!    Enjoy...

Dear Family,

I'm glad to hear that things are going well on the homefront. I'm glad you have the temple to keep you sane. January's are hard. I can tell. But keep pressing on. I read a scripture this morning that I think will help when things get tough. Mosiah 21:5. The people were surrounded on every side. I think we all understand what that feels like. The important part is not that they are surrounded, but rather how they react to the trial. These people murmured. I guess that's one option. But there is another option. That is to humble yourself before the Lord and do His will. It's weird how keenly aware I am of my attitude now that I am in Taiwan. People here don't have as much as we do. Not at all. They don't even have as much as I do as a missionary (I LIVE IN A CASTLE), but they are so positive about life. Their example is amazing and I really am so happy to be serving them.

Garrett and Braeden: You two never cease to amaze me. I hope to hear from you both. I want to know how your scripture study is coming. I can't even express enough how much my testimony of the scriptures has grown while being out here. I have a revelatory experience every single time I study the scriptures and I know you can too.

Dad: You are a trooper. Seriously, I'm so glad that I get to have you as my papaaa. Your example of hard work really keeps me going when jet lag brings me down.

Mom: I'm sorry that the handwritten letters won't be as frequent. I don't have much time on Pday. I do have lots of time to email though. (:

Okay now here's the general letter. Let everyone know that if I respond to them with hand written letters that it will take a long time because I really don't have much time to write.

Grandma and Grandpa Teel: Thank you SO MUCH for the financial support you are giving me. I know that it is helping my family a lot and I am working hard to live up to the Teel name even though I don't have it on my name tag. I do have the name of Christ on my name tag and I figure that will have to do. I love you both a lot and I really really appreciate what you do for me and my family.

Aunt Leslie: YOU ROCK! Seriously. What more can I say? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Grandma and Grandpa Anderson: You both are great. You are more than welcome to email me. Grandparents and immediate family have that priviledge. Lucky you!

I don't even know where to start. Since coming to Taiwan I have changed A TON! First of all, I have a stellar companion and I'm in an awesome area. I'm in Xin Zhuang. It's just south of Taibei. There are a LOT of people here. And they are very receptive to a little white girl speaking Chinese (regardless of how poorly I do it and how undignified I look on a bike with a skirt). The thing I'm having the most trouble with right now is understanding them. It's frustrating, but I already mentioned that my companion is solid! Her name is Sister Daye. She's from Utah and I absolutely adore her. She has such a solid testimony and we work hard together. We get along really well too.

The flights to get here were long. I only slept about 3 hours in the whole thing so I'm not running on a whole lot of extra sleep. That plus jet lag takes it's toll, but I couldn't be happier.

The first two days we got her were just orientation. We lived in temple housing and learned kind of the technical ins and outs of the mission. My mission president and his wife are AWESOME! And Sister Day is such a great cook. She will take good care of us. So we arrived on Wednesday night. On Thursday we did a lot of orientation and met our trainers (however they weren't assigned yet). We went out with one of the trainers that evening to do some street contacting. I was paired up with Sister Daye who ended up actually being my trainer her in Xin Zhuang. I'll be paired up with her for the next 12 weeks until she goes home. And actually, because of the amount of sisters coming into the mission field, there is a 90% chance that I'll be a trainer right after she leaves. No pressure! Eeek!

Anyway we went out that evening for two hours to proselyte. I was SCARED TO DEATH! Literally. I wanted to cry so badly. I don't feel confident in my Chinese--especially in a contacting situation. Sister Daye and I went down to the street and said a prayer. Then we set goals and made plans. Our goals were to give out a Book of Mormon and to find a family. When we said our second prayer, I felt strongly about what we were about to do and was filled with a sense of confidence that the Lord would take care of me despite my language barrier. We headed over to the park and at the first stoplight we hit, we started talking to an older couple. She mentioned that her mother had met with missionaries a long time ago before she died. They are Christians. They pulled over to talk to us and we actually talked for a quite awhile. Sister Daye ended up talking to the wife while I talked to the husband. I was amazed by how much I understood and could communicate my thoughts. I know that the gift of interpretation of tongues was in action there and I am so grateful for the Lord's help. We gave them a Book of Mormon and committed them to start reading. They weren't particularly interested in meeting again, but they did say they'd read the Book. It was a great start.

The next thing we did was go to the park. After talking to a few people who just walked on by, we were about to find a new area when a lady came and sat on a bench while her son played. I thought we needed to go talk to her. We did and ended up having an amazing experience. She has a son and a daughter and her husband works in law. She doesn't have any particular religious beliefs, and she was VERY receptive to our message. We taught her the entire first lesson, gave her a tract about families and committed her to pray with hers. She said she would so we taught her how to pray and promised that prayer will really bring her family closer together. We also gave her a Book of Mormon and committed her to start reading it. We got her contact information and sent it to Sister Taylor. The lady said she'd like to meet with the missionaries in the church building. PERFECT! I was glowing the rest of the evening. I still think about her a lot.

Okay that description really doesn't do it justice. When I went to bed that night I was just so happy. The other missionaries had a lot of success that night too. Elder Senkans committed someone to get baptized. He's Latvian. They have special powers.

The next morning we had a transfer meeting where we found out what areas we were assigned to and who our trainers are. I was thrilled to have Sister Daye. She is really amazing. We had one more orientation meeting, ate lunch then they sent us off to start the work.

In the last few days we have seen so many miracles occur. The first day I started biking my rear had a hard time adjusting to the new seat. Eek! We ran into a man on a scooter with a dog and started talking. I asked him if he'd be interested in meeting with missionaries. He said yes. The light was about to turn, but we gave him a Restoration tract and told him that he could come to church and meet us. He said he would try to in the next few weeks. I was so happy after that conversation. My very next thing that I had to do was bike up a monster hill on an achy rear. I think the Lord gave me this miracle so that I'd have the energy to make it up the hill. THAT'S HOW AWARE HE IS OF ALL OF OUR NEEDS!!

I had a really good time at church too. I didn't understand a ton, but I was invited to bear my testimony. Afterwards everyone said my Chinese sounded really standard. I guess that's good? Here's the thing though. I don't understand NEARLY as much as they expect me too. Sunday School was great though. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and I understood EVERY SINGLE BIT! I was so happy. It was such a blessing to be able to be involved in the class.

After church we had a lesson with one of our investigators. She has an amazing story. She has been coming to church for a few weeks and only met the missionaries a couple times. She has been smoking two packs a day for the past 30 years. Sister Daye said they've been trying to get her to quit so much, but she just doesn't think she can. We asked on Sunday how that was coming. She told us that two days ago she quit for good. WHAT?! Where did that even come from?! I was so happy! Also she's been reading the Book of Mormon a lot too. This was just the first half of our miracle with her. Our lesson was about the Plan of Salvation (thank Heavens I had a nice review of that during Sunday School). We taught her about the plan and at the end I felt like I should mention the gospel of Christ an the things that we do to make it to the Celestial Kingdom. I mentioned faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. Sister Daye asked her if she knows what baptism is. She didn't. Her son explained it to her. Then I taught her about Jesus and how even he was baptized and I extended the invitation to follow His example. SHE SAID YES! She didn't even miss a beat. She new exactly what she wanted and that this was right. I think the Lord helped her quit smoking so that her intellect would be clear enough for her to make the right decision. The spirit was so strong in the lesson and I really gained a personal testimony of the Plan of Salvation and the spirit that is invited when you talk about it. Seriously I wanted to scream because I was so happy.

We've experienced a lot of other little miracles in the past few days too. For example, on our way here to the internet cafe to email you. We stopped by a woman. I asked her how her day was going. She asked what business I had. I didn't realize that she wasn't actually asking what I was heading to do. She was asking why I was talking to her. I told her that we were going to email our families. That confused her, but it started us talking about why I was emailing my family! She asked if we wanted her to come to church and we said yes. Lol! We gave her a pamphlet telling where it was. That'd be so sweet if she came!

Okay now I'm running out of time. I want you all to know how much I love you. I apologize that I don't have pictures. I forgot to bring my card to the internet cafe. WHOOPSIES! I'll see if I can get some from my companion. I couldn't be happier doing the work I am doing. There is a huge adjustment to the food and the language and biking in a skirt, but I seriously am feeling so blessed. The Lord's hand is evident in His work. It's an amazing sight to see.



Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Last Message from the MTC!

Hi family!
I can't believe this is my last time emailing you from the MTC. This means that next time I can email will be from Taiwan (and I'll have an hour to do it). HOLLA! So if you want to write me dearelder's this week, you have until Friday. After that, just stick it in an email! For everyone else though, you gotta stick to dearelders!
I don't actually have too much on my list to say today. First of all though, thank you all for your prayers. I appreciate it a lot. I have a follow up appointment on Thursday where I anticipate being cleared to go to Taiwan. We'll see I guess. Oh and ps. It's my foot that I hurt. My ankle is completely in tact. (:
This week is so buy. I feel like I have a million things to do to pack up and also send home the things that I don't need in Taiwan. I'm slightly overwhelmed. I hate packing. But alas, I don't want to live in the MTC forever so better do it now  than later. If you could make sure to let the bank know that I'll be using my debit card in Taiwan, that would be helpful.
Last Thursday we got our travel plans. I SCREAMED SO MUCH! Because obviously I'm so excited to head to Taiwan finally! There are 14 of us traveling to Taipei together and I am the lucky one asked to be the travel leader. That's the nature of having a name that starts with "A." Everyday, Elder G. asks me a travel question of the day to prepare me. I would like everyone to know that we are not to worry if he finds a small animal underneath his seat, I will take the proper procedures to dispose of it... except if it's a bird. In that case I would just cry a lot. I am a little worried though because I'm not sure what you have to do to travel internationally, but I'm confident that everyone will behave like adults and it will be no big deal. I'm also not sure if I'll find time to call home, but if I do it'll be probably around 9:30 ish? between 10:30am next Tuesday from Salt Lake. And I'll really only have 10 minutes or so. Anyway, I have decided if I want to. It's not because I don't love you all, but mostly because I think maybe I would find myself slightly distracted. And you'll all be in different places so I'm not sure who I would call. But anyway, that's a decision that I'll make later. However, I don't want to deprive all of you from the opportunity to see me (because you are not likely to be distracted from things by talking to me) so I recorded a video for you to see that I'll send home with the box of things I don't need!
My district has a goal to everyday share our testimony in Chinese with someone at the MTC. They challenged me during dinner the other night to share it with President Brown. I did. Afterwards, he was really grateful. He said that even though he didn't understand, he could still feel the spirit and he knows that I'll be a good missionary. Then he told me that I got off the hook. At mission conferences he always asks a sister and an elder to share their testimonies. This past mission conference he was going to have me share, but he changed his mind last minute and asked the recently released MTC choir director to share. Phew! That would've been a cool opportunity though. Anyway, since I'm going to share my testimony with someone everyday, I'm determined to share it with someone in the airport (in Chinese of course). We'll see how that goes I guess!
Speaking of Chinese, one of the zone leaders told me the other day that the new girls in our zone told him they think  that I'm fluent at Chinese. LOL! That's obviously far from true, but it was a boost that I needed because the day he told me, I had been feeling really down about things. Later that same day, I had to pray in sacrament meeting and my branch president (who has amazing Chinese) told me that I have a beautiful language. That is SUCH a compliment and I really appreciated that. I can't take credit though. The gift of tongues is real. All of my success comes from the Lord and I hope everyone can recognize that. He has blessed me so much because He called me to do a great work and I need to speak Chinese in order to do it. Whom the Lord calls, He qualifies.
That's pretty much it for all the things that have happened this week. This week has been pretty much the same as all the others. And by that I mean that I can feel the spirit all the time and I'm working hard. Since I hardly have anytime left here, I'm trying to be as diligent as possible in doing the work of the Lord and preparing myself to be dropped off in another country.
I have learned a few things that I want to share though.
In Acts 12:16 Peter knocks on a door (which is what I will do) and he astonishes the people who open it up. That got me thinking. If I have the spirit with me always, then it will astonish people. They will want to hear my message because they will see something in me that catches their attention. Obviously that something should be the spirit. Just think about what you are doing everyday to glorify God and have the spirit with you. Go astonish someone!
In Alma 34:34 we learn that the same spirit that has power over us in this life will have power over us in the spirit world (so obviously if we continue to succomb to temptation, we will still struggle with that after this life). I applied that to me though. The same work ethic that I have in the MTC will stay with me in the mission field. And in life after the mission. I concluded that I want to work hard and be perfectly obedient. If I do this, then I will work hard and be obedient my whole life. Obviously things can change, but being great is a daily thing. We endure to the end by repenting everyday and striving to be like Christ EVERYDAY!
Lastly I want to talk about service. Take this for thought "Service is more than just a series of acts, it's a lifestyle." Are you that kind of person that serves because it's who you are? Well, be that person. We have been so blessed in this life, why not share it with everyone? People who serve learn to love everyone and appreciate the small things. I've learned that so much. When I am seeking for opportunities to serve and lift others, I find that I forget about myself. My problems suddenly aren't so big anymore. My worries go away. The Lord lifts me to be capable to accomplish the things I set out to do. I know that there is a reason the Lord asks us to serve. It's not for Him. And ultimately it benefits us more than it benefits the people we serve. I'm just amazed by how happy I am when I willingly go out of my way to do things for other people. I know that families who serve each other and serve together will  grow closer. They will love each other more and appreciate each other more. The whole atmosphere of their home will change for the better. I promise that if you make it a goal, to serve your family members and do service with your family, all of your problems will begin to melt away.
Basically I know this, The Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families. Through praying together as a family and reading the scriptures as a family, the Lord will equip you to take on the challenges that trouble this world. I am so grateful for the chance to share that will the people of Taiwan. I hope that anyone reading this knows that I know this to be true. I'm only twenty-one. I really haven't gone far by the world's standards, but I don't care what people think of me or how people judge me because what really matters most to me is that I have a family who loves me. I have a Father and Mother in Heaven who absolutely adore me. I have an older brother who died and suffered for my shortcomings and weaknesses. I have scriptures that guide me back to Heavenly Father. I have been given commandments that ultimately give me more freedom than restriction. I have a gift, The Gift of the Holy Ghost, that brings me comfort when I am down and helps me make good decisions. I am so blessed. I am the happiest girl in the whole world and I only got this way through my membership in the Lord's church.
I love you all so much and I'm out of time! Read your scriptures everyday. There is power in the Book of Mormon and power in the Bible. We need them both.
Sister Micaela Anderson

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

She's back on track!

Hi family!
Today is such a good day and I have a lot to write so hopefully I get it all in in the VERY short amount of time alotted to me.
First of all: My foot is doing well. It's bruised and hurts every once in a while, but besides being sore, it's totally okay! I have my follow-up appointment with the podiatrist next Friday where I anticipate that he'll tell me all systems are a go and I'll be on my way to Taiwan in no time! I'm in good spirits and I'm super focused to learn as much as I possibly can in the next two weeks--the final stretch until Taiwan! Last week when I hurt myself, I consider myself lucky. It could've been worse. The plague swept through the MTC. Literally. Everyone got sick with the stomach flu. I among a few others survived. One day we only had 3 people in our district healthy (out of 8). We had to impliment a no hand-shaking/no hugging rule at the MTC to keep it from spreading. My district is all back on their feet though and we're happy to be working hard. I do have a bit of a sore throat though. I got checked out. It's just a cold. Basically it's just really annoying. Ugh.
In the midst of the plague (aka the first day), we had our Tuesday night devotional from Elder Choi of the seventy. That's when I had to say the closing prayer. His talk was amazing. I really felt the spirit and I was happy to be so close to hear him. I got a lot out of it, but the main thing for me was this (which is my new motto for my own mission): "Let's go talk to all the people. They will like us. They will listen to us. We are the most beautiful sisters in the world." I know that because I have Christ's name on my name tag and since I am preaching His gospel, I can indeed be confident and say that I am the most beautiful sister in the world. Because of Him, I am beautiful! I love that. I know that everyone who accepts the gospel of Christ and is baptized into His church becomes even more beautiful than they were before.
Not only did I realize how beautiful I am this week, but I also learned to REALLY rely on the Lord. He will pick up the slack (because Heaven knows I'm not perfect). The other day my companion and I had an awesome lesson planned. We were so excited for it. We were going to teach the lesson the very next afternoon. When we were reviewing for the lesson, we realized that we write our lesson plans so differently that both of us changed our goal and it was distorted over night. We were so worried because we had NO CLUE what to teach or how to teach (not to mention how to do it in Chinese!). In the fifteen minutes before the lesson, we came up with a very brief lesson plan. Before we left, our teacher read us this scripture (because she could tell that we were stressed!). Doctrine and Covenants 123:17. The Lord knows that we worked hard to create a lesson for this investigatore. He knows we are working hard to be good missionaries and He will always fill in the gaps. The Lord truly does help those who help themselves. We are saved by grace after all we can do. We went into the lesson knowing we had to rely completely on Heavenly Father and that's exactly what we did. The lesson went AMAZINGLY. The spirit was truly there and our companionship unity was awesome. It was a great experience. I really am so grateful for the gospel. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father trusts me to be His missionary/servant. I want to do all that I can to build up the kingdom of God (right now and for my whole life).
Okay people, the gift of tongues is real. I KNOW I SAY THIS EVERY WEEK BUT SERIOUSLY! I have ten scriptures memorized. I don't even think I have that much memorized in English. There have been quite a few moments this week where I have been speaking Chinese (in class and elsewhere) where I heard myself just rambling and I knew what I was saying, where I was going with the comment, and how to say it. It's just a great experience. Also, I've gotten to the point in class where I don't have to think so hard to process what goes on. I find myself thinking in Chinese quite often and translating what other people say into Chinese. Cool, huh? I know that everything I am blessed with right now comes from the Lord. He is teaching me Chinese because it is necessary to helping others learn about the gospel. LOVE IT!
Mom and Shandi, I wish I had known you weren't eating fries for this year sooner. I've already done it but as of right now I will not eat anymore fries until I can do it again with all of you. SO LET IT BE WRITTEN SO LET IT BE DONE! Also, I'm not gonna eat anymore donuts until after my mission. I've eaten a million here. Bad idea.
Last night in my class, we read 3 Nephi 11 (or at least began reading it) and in Chinese of course. While we discussed it we came to an amazing conclusion. In verse 21 we learn that the FIRST thing that Christ did when he came to the Americas was give the power to baptize to Nephi and the other apostles. HOW IMPORTANT IS BAPTISM THEN?! Obviously it's extremely important. That is what I am out to do. I am to invite EVERYONE to be baptized. And I'm going to start now. I guess most people who read this are already baptized, but to anyone else who happens upon this. I encourage you to go find the missionaries, listen to their message, and when you know that it is true accept the invitation to be baptized and be counted as one of the Lord's people. I KNOW completely that this is the Church of God and Jesus Christ. Christ is at the head of this church running everything completely. If you pray to know if it is true WITH A SINCERE HEART AND DESIRE TO KNOW (Moroni 10:3-5), He WILL answer that prayer.
Okay new topic. Tomorrow we are getting a new set of missionaries. I'm really excited. Personally, I have decided that with the arrival of new missionaries, I need to step up my game. I need to SYL (speak your languages) as often as possible and really be as focused as possible on the work that I have been called to do and preparing myself to enter the field and serve the people of Taiwan.
The work of the Lord is hastening. On Sunday we sustained 4 new branches here. We've also been told that we are expecting roughly 6,800 missionaries in the MTC by July. There are only 2,200 right now and we are FULL! The moral of the story is that anyone who wants to serve the Lord is WELCOME! Little brothers, keep preparing yourselves to serve. You will be so blessed!
Okay now just business. Thanks for the package. I got it in the mail yesterday and I LOVE all the contents. The skirt is perfect. I'm wearing it now.
Also, I'm getting my travel plans on Thursday or Friday so I'll be sure to let you know in my next email what time I'll have a break to call home in the airport. I look forward to a nice little chat! Before I leave, I'll be sending a package home with stuff that I don't need anymore/don't want with me right now.
Okay time's up. This church is true. Very true.
I love you all!

Christmas Day!

*Editors note:  Sorry it took me so long to get this typed up.  Also, I think I might be missing the last page...(the part that says Love, Sister Anderson)

Dear Family                                                                           December 24-25, 2012
Now is the time that I document my whole MTC Christmas experience.  Today has been awesome thusfar.  This morning we (my roomates, companion and I) got a scak breakfast and ate it in our room.  I had two donuts, an egg, and milk.  MmmmmJ  Then we (the same four plus some new people) went to our weekly service project.    I leaned sinks!  And I sang Christmas songs the entire time!  Then we had gym time.  The gym  was closed so I went to the fitness center.  I taught 3 elders how to row properly.  After gym time, I had personal study time for an hour.  Then lunch.  MmmmJ  During the hour of language study  I did quite a few things.  My favorite part was learning Helaman 5:30 in Chinese.  Then we had class for three hours.  We taught an investigator at 2:30.  It was AWESOME!  Sister L. and I were so in tune with each other and it really went well.  I love speaking Chinese SO MUCH J  I had an awesome spiritual experience the last hour of class.  BUT ONCE CLASS GOT OUT I WAS THRILLED!  Literally bouncing off the walls J  I love Christmas.  I miss you all, but I’m also so happy to be here J.  We headed to dinner.  Now I’m at our Christmas Eve fireside. J
I love you all so so so much!

Okay, This couldn’t wait for our Christmas program.  A bunch of missionaries were asked to be part of a nativity.  They were using a real baby until now.  Baby started crying, but the mom took him away and they pulled a doll out from under the manger LOL!  Knod of hilarious.  Maybe you had to be there…but I was dying of laughter along with the other 2000 missionaries here.  LOL!
Oh and the narrators are speaking so slowly.  I think they are trying to be dramatic, but it RIDIC HOW SLOW THEY ARE SPEAKING!

Okay, it’s Christmas now.
Yesterday after the nativity, we watched “A Christmas Carol” and ate popcorn.  MmmmJ  It was kind of a scary version of the movie and I spooked SisterL. When I grabbed her shoulder and yelled “boo”.  Shans, I though of you JLOL!  After the film, there was a mad rush to be the classroom buildings to get our stuff and head back to the residence houseJ.  My roomates and I (since P-day and Christmas is the same) prepared ourselves to wake up early for laundry.  We got to bed exactly at 10:25 after saying family prayer and opening one gift (thank you for the Christmas socks)  Our alarm was set for 5:30.  And we settled in to sleep.

Then something STRANGE happened J  I rolled over and woke up to see that we had slept in!  It was 20 til!  We were suppose to wake up at 5:30.  I jumped out of bed calling to my roommates that we were late!  I yelled, “ShengDan jie Kuaile”, I’m turning on the light!  Then flicked it on.  Sister L. rolled over to say her morning prayers.  Sister B. asked the time while Sister G. just groaned, not ready to get up.  I said that it’s “shier” and started to say the time but I couldn’t think how to say it in Chinese, so I just quite and said “twenty til”.  Then I looked again at my clock and saw that it was 12:40!  Ahhh!  So embarrassing.  I apologized for my mistake and turned off the light.  Needless to say, we had a good laugh.  I’m still laughing about it.  The crazy part is that when I said the time in Chinese, I said 12.  So somewhere it must have clicked.  Whoopsies!

AnywayJ I woke up a lot during the night worried about getting up in time for laundry.

We got up at 5;30, and got our laundry in a little before 6.  We spent the rest of the morning getting ready while our clothes washed, then going back to switch it over then getting ready while they dried, then picking them up, folding, opening gifts.  Breakfast was good.  Not quite mom’s breakfast casserole, but it’ll do in a pinch J  Breakfast  led right into choir practice.  Now I’m just sitting here waiting for our guest speaker to arrive in 10 minutes.  I love you all so so much J

It’s Elder Nelson!  And I lost my pen.  Sad day!

And now I found it.  I’m in my classroom now writing more letters I’ll write more about the remarks in my email…which you’ll get before you get this letter.

Okay, it’s now 9:30pm and I feel like I have so much writing left to do.  Today after I wrote this (above), I emailed home, then we had a great lunch: turkey, stuffing, potatoes, the works!  They take care of us.  Then we had a district meeting where we discussed the meeting we had with Elder Nelson.  It was a nice discussion, but it was obvious that everyone was tired.  After the meeting the Elders walked ot the temple.  Sister L and I came back to the residency where I took a twenty minute nap.  It was much needed.  When I woke up we got ready real quick and went to stand in line for seats at the talent show.  While we were in line, Elder V. and his companion Elder J asked us to save them seats (they are our friends from the classrooms across the hall going to Korea)  The talent show was awesome.  Sister B. ROCKED it on the piano.  After the show, we had 5 minutes to run to the bathroom and head back to our seats.  We got to hear Greg Olsen speak.  He’s an artist.  His fireside was stellar.  The things he said really brought me closer to Christ because he talked about what Christ may have been like as a baby/child.  It was interesting.

After the fireside we headed home for a sack dinner in our rooms.  It was delicious.  Okay, just a ham sandwich, chips, and sprite.  LOL J

At seven, we (well, really 6:45) went back to the big building to watch “It’s A Wonderful Life”  I had never seen it before.  I loved it so much!  I’m a little surprised that they let us watch it at the MTC though/on a mission.  It’s such a feel good movie.  I will admit though, after watching it, all I could think was “I LOVE LOVE!”  Which I say all the time.  Elder J heard me yell that in my classroom building and told me to lock my heart LOL!    Consider it locked!!  Double locked.  Anyway, now I’m on my bed and I still have a lot to do before bed.  But I’ll leave you with this.  I thought about you guys all day.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

An unexpected email...

They told me I'm supposed to email you because I went to a podiatrist today. Anyway I'm doing well. Yesterday morning I fell down playing basketball and rolled my ankle. They sent me to the doctor and they referred me to a podiatrist. I was on crutches yesterday and today. At the podiatrist they took some x-rays and concluded that I tore a ligament on the side of my foot. They gave me a brace and a post-op shoe. I have to wear the shoe for a couple days and the brace for a month or so. On January 17th I have a follow up appointment to see if the ligament is healing itself. If not, then they'll have to repair it in whatever way they repair ligaments (I think that means surgery). I guess we'll see what happens. For now I just have this boot get up and when it hurts badly I need to use the crutches--which I might do tonight becuase it's starting to irritate me. Anyway, I don't want anyone to be alarmed. Just keep me in your prayers.
I love you all,
Sister Anderson

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

*Editors Note:  I usually take out all the personal notes/stuff from her to the family, but thought you might like a little peep into her personality, so I left it all in this time...

Hey Family,
In T minus 21 days I'm going to Taiwan! Holla!!!
Okay so first I have individual things to say to each of you because you all wrote to me this week! That is the most exciting part of receiving dear elders! I love seeing letters from my siblings. I can feel all of your support and it thrills me! I'm writing to you all in no particular order (well it's the order that I opened your letters actually).
Garrett: I'm so glad you got a bunch of new clothes. You probably look awesome. Sweet shoes, bro! I still have pictures of you on my camera from you allstars meet. I love to show those to people. I'm glad you enjoyed Christmas. Sorry I missed it. I just had so many things going on that I couldn't make it back to Virginia. (: I anticipate missing next year too. But not to worry, two years from now I'm all yours! I really enjoyed reading your testimony about Joon's baptism. Continue to seek spiritual experiences like that and when you feel the Lord's love, write it down. If you write those experiences down then you won't forget and I know that you'll keep growing in the gospel.
Braeden: Congratulations on seeing Les Mis! Promise to watch it again with me when I get home? You're the best! I'm still a four square champion. Well I'm exaggerating. I've never REALLY been the best, but I have a great time and the elder's totally accept me in all my glory and goofiness. I'm still really silly. I make faces all the time (and sister B has caught it on camera). Yesterday I was holding a book in front of my face and when I moved it away I was making faces at elder K. He thinks I'm crazy! All the elders do. Congratulations on the big stage run! I heard you were the star of the show. That doesn't surprise me at all and I would expect nothing less.
I love you both immensely!
Sham: There is a letter in the mail on its way to you. (: Thanks for the pictures! Shandi, everyone agrees that you are the most beautiful girl in the world... And the elders are quick to tell me that you far exceed my very best self. I can't decide if it's a compliment to you or a dis to me. Lol.
Dad: Thank you for sharing your experience at the temple. I know that is the house of the Lord and he is always working miracles there. The temple here has been closed, but I look forward to doing a session next Tuesday! I love you so much and even though I don't hear from you always, I can tell you love me. All of your prayers have really made an impact on me. Elder M showed me your letter. I didn't read it but I got a kick out of the fact that you wrote to him! He's awesome and we're best friends. He just graduated in the spring so he's like a little brother to me. And somehow we've come to the conclusion that he will be my future husband's best man. Lol. Pray for him because he is really sick right now.
Mom: I got my letter from you last week. It's weird that it took so long, but thank you. You can email me pictures but I have no way of printing them. I would like hard copies of the kids from my daycare if possible, but everything else is fine via email (except if you hope that I will look at them other days because I can only look at the emailed ones on Tuesdays). It's your preference. Thank you for stopping by the daycare. You are the greatest. And congratulations on your mainstage debut. You were probably an amazing mrs. fezziwig (:  Oh I need a new hairbrush. I've had mine for years and it's falling apart. :(

This week I think we're getting a new MTC presidency. I'll miss President Brown. Everytime I see him I make sure I thank him for his work. He always tells me that I'm awesome. I have no idea where he's getting this information. Lol.
Tonight I'm saying the closing prayer at the devotional with the general authority (I don't know who is speaking yet). Wish me luck. There will be a couple thousand missionaries watching!
S. mentioned in her letter to me that she wanted to know what the music coordinator does. I thought I would share that with everyone. Basically that means I picked the music sung/pianist/conductor for priesthood and sacrament meeting. I also arranged a special musical number for each Sunday and also made sure everyone had copies of the music in Chinese because our meeting is primarily in Chinese.
I was released from that calling on Sunday and called to be the new coordinating sister. This means that I watch out for all the girls in our mini relief society (there are 8 of us). I'll also welcome the new girls that are arriving the 9th and maybe the new girls coming on Jan 20. All of use are Chinese speaking. I also deal with any immediate issues that I can deal with and send the rest up to the branch presidency. I love this calling so far. My girls are so sweet and I just am filled with love for them. I work closely with the district leaders and the zone leaders too. It's awesome because I'm getting to know people in other districts much better.
Chinese is coming well. I officially have 7 scirptures memorized. This week I'm memorizing 3 more I think. It kinds of blows my mind how much I'm progressing. It is so weird when people ask me questions in lessons that I can answer completely in Chinese just off the top of my head. I speak the language as much as possible and I'm starting to speak much more fluid and quick. It's really a cool experience. I am so blessed to have this opportunity and I can't thank the Lord enough for all the help He has given me in learning this language.
Mom mentioned that on sister B.'s blog you find out more about our daily schedule. I'm sorry if I'm boring you all too much with other things. Our daily schedule is pretty much always the same. We eat three meals a day. We have gym time. We have two class periods. We have two hours for language study (except for on Monday and Wednesday) and one hour for personal study. On Mondays we do a service project and on Wednesdays we have a workshop (best part of the week). On Saturday's during class time we teach at the TRC (teaching resource center) where we teach volunteers who are usually already members of the church. On Tuesdays we have preparation day (so the schedule is different) and the schedule is also different on Sundays. That's pretty much it. The moral of the story is that my time is planned out very thoroughly and I'm always seeking new ways to further the Kingdom of God. I'm looking forward to getting out to Taiwan. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!
The other day we were talking about our younger siblings and the examples we are setting for them. (By we I mean my district of 6 elders, and sister L. and I). Little brothers, I really hope you are reading my emails. I would love to get your feedback on things that maybe I could work on and how I can solve some of the problems that I may have. Also, if you read any good scriptures I want to hear about them. Here's a challenge. For every sunday in the month of January, send me a scripture (via dear elder) that means something to you. It can be about any topic  but I want to hear what it means to you. Will you do that? It would make me so happy! (:
Okay I want to leave you all with a spiritual thought. Read Matthew 14:23-24. After Christ fed the 5,000 he went up to a mountain to pray. From the mountain He could see the ship of the apostles being tossed around. He immediately went to help them. This is when he walked on water. My question is where is the miracle? Feeding the 5,000? Walking on water? Both are indeed miracles, but the miracle here for me is that Christ is AWARE of our circumstances. He knows what troubles we are facing because He stands on higher ground. He is on the mountain watching out for our safety.
Now read vs 28. This is the essence of faith. Aligning our will with the Lord's and through Him performing miracles. As we pray we submit our will to God's and He will use us as tools in His kingdom. How great is this?
I would love to elaborate more on these but I've gone over time. Take the time to think about these scriptures. How has the Lord blessed you? Thank Him for that and I know He will continue to bless you all.
I love you so much!
Cae Cae