Sunday, June 30, 2013

Okay, I love you all!

Okay family! I love you all! I hope these emails are fun for you to read. Sometimes I forget about my week. Seriously I think I have the world's worst memory. (However I do remember that I don't hear from the boys often--- ya'll should jump on the email sister bandwagon <3)
First of all-- NEXT WEEK I GET TO GO TO THE TEMPLE! HOORAY! But that does mean that my pday will be changed from next monday to next wednesday so you'll have to wait a little longer for my adventures. I promise they'll be good though because SURPRISE I'm getting a duan chuan. Meaning: we're going to the mission office on wednesday to pick up our week long mini missionary. She'll be with us for a week. That means one week of a tripanionship one of them being taiwanese aka one week of all Chinese. Eek! Moral of the story: I'm a little nervous to be the senior companion of two missionaries this week while doing training and everything. We have a lot of lessons to set up. It'll be interesting to teach together. It'll all be fun though for sure!
Anyway- Kyle told me he found my blog and got caught up on reading my emails and that they're hilarious. I hope I can keep that up and not lose my personality this next year because THAT would be a disaster. When did I see kyle you ask? Well that would be two days ago. My companion and I were in a group that sang at some sort of fair event thing. It was... interesting. I'm not sure what we sounded like... but hopefully it sounded good and balanced. You can ask Kyle about that one. It was a fun thing to get out to.
Last week at one of the member's homes we ate... well let me back up. I'm not sure if you know this but my table manners have definitly regressed. A lot. For dinners at members home we all just get a bowl of rice, chopsticks, and we all pick around for the food that is on plates for everyone to use. I pretty much hold my bowl the entire time and when I get down to almost nothing I put it to my mouth and scoop it in. (Good thing I have a whole summer to get used to eating again before I go to BYU and have to eat with other people who don't appreciate me as much as ya'll do.) Anyway sometimes she has eggs there (we eat it all with rice. mmm). Well the eggs last week had a ton of tiny tiny fishes in it. It was the weirdest thing. Creepy almost. Needless to say, when I cook for you all after my mission to give you the Taiwan experience, we won't have this dish. That being said, we're going to have regular China nights at home and I intend to teach you all how we do things out here. PLUS I so look forward to speaking the the people from Golden China in Chinese. mmm. I LOVE MY LIFE!
We love English class out here. I have officially switched roles with Elder Hagedorn. He is now the desk lady and I teach the beginning English class. It's a fun class. I really like teaching <3
Last monday my companion and I ended up playing Risk with a bunch of people. It's some weird new version of Risk and we had to play on teams as companions. Everyone else knew how to play except me and my companion. Therefore-- it was MEGA lame at first because no one would tell us what to do. We occupied our time texting each other in a draft text message on our phone instead. It was pleasant.
Also-- body beautiful needs to restart. I'm getting chunky. Okay really I'm not-- it's definitely the clothes. But regardless, I want to get back into dancing so I'm setting the painful goals of getting my flexibility and my strength back while I'm on my mission so that I can dance when I get home and pick it up quickly.
The other day we went to a baptism and while we were setting up, I put my phone on the window sill. When I went back to look for it, it was gone. OH NO! We all spent sometime searching for it. I think a small child grabbed it. We got it back eventually. Thank heavens!
Lastly on my list of random things it mangos. Let me tell ya-- I AM ADDICTED! The mangos here are ridiculous! The other day I think I ate like 5 in one day (between member visits and such). Oh there is something I love here. Anytime you go to someone's home they always give you fruit to eat. I will definitely carry on that tradition at home. But the moral of the story is that people here know how addicted I am to mangos and we have them ALL THE TIME! mmm delicious!!!
Okay now onto the spiritual side of things.
This month I'm working on charity. It turns out that I don't think I'm a very loving person-- mostly it's the quick judgments I make about people or negative thoughts I have about people. I'm working especially hard on trying to be more charitable and control my thoughts better. It's harder than you think. Being nice and loving on the outside isn't too hard, but starting that from within so that all the nice/loving things you do are genuine is a little tougher. I'm not a mean person-- but we could all be a little more charitable in this world. I challenge you to study christlike attributes and find what it is that you would like to work on. (Faith, Hope, Charity and love, Knowledge, Diligence, Obedience, Virtue, Patience, and Humility)
Also I finished the Book of Mormon in English so now I'm reading the Doctrine and Covenants (and I read the Book of Mormon in chinese). I came across D&C 19:37-38 the other day. I love it. Moral of the story is that I need to speak freely with people and also pray more often in my mission.
Oh yesterday a mom and a daughter just randomly walked into church. They stayed and we were able to set up with them at the end. What a nice surprise! I LOVE MY LIFE!
Okay family that's all I have time for! I love you all.
I know this gospel is true. I hope everyone is trying hard to share it everyday with everyone. Be the best member missionary you can. And read the conference talk it's a miracle by Elder Andersen!
cae <3
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Micaela Anderson
Okay so because of bugs we have to stick any trash that is food in the freezer. Well we definitely go a little overboard because we just stick everything in the freezer if we run out of room in our trash can. It's kind of out of control. <3 We finally took it all out during dinner the other day. It was a LOT of trash. We are the most disgusting two people in the world. Seriously, disposals are the greatest. I much prefer the trash system in America. <3
So heres a picture of the mango ice that we get every time we go to temple grounds. SO DELICIOUS! 

so the other day we were leaving the church after a lesson to go to a tuesday night dinner. While sister Boyer was locking the gate her bike fell over onto mine. It got all jammed up weird and the air in my tire went out. We ended up being late for dinner. We had to walk there. Then we had to cancel our appointment after dinner because we wouldn't make it on time. Instead we went to get our bikes and get air in them. I feel bad we had to cancel and change everything... and it's all because her bike just fell over randomly. weird.

This is at a restaurant we go to often. these noodles are DELICIOUS! love taiwan and love taiwan food <3

subway. mmmm (:

the pictures in the elevators in buildings are HILRIOUS! I can't read what the words say, but a picture says 1000 words (:

6/23/13 post (just a tad late)

I'll try to make this email good but the keyboard I'm using is the pits so i'm sorry if it ends up being lame. First, I love you all and I hope things are going well at home!

Okay scary story. So we went to the church for a lesson on Thursday evening. It was already getting dark outside. When we got to the gate at the church we found it closed but unlocked. Then we noticed a light on in the building. We checked and saw that the elders weren't there. We went up to the church and the door was locked. We unlocked it and headed inside.The church was dark except for the light from upstairs. We checked the rooms on the first floor. Nothing. We headed up to the second floor where the light was. It was all dark except one light in the hallway. We heard eerie piano music coming from the kitchen we headed in and tried the door, it was locked. The music stopped. We freaked ourselves out and started to walk quickly away. The music started again but we weren't going to stay. We went outside the church grounds and sat down while waiting for the elders to come for their lesson they had and check it out. Turns out it was the relief society president. She was there early to help us in a lesson. So not scary at all, but we had ourselves worked up pretty good.

Also I started reading the Book of Mormon in Chinese. I read a chapter a day! I recognize the majority of the characters. It's totally awesome to find things there that I hadn't found in English. Pretty much I love the Book of Mormon. And I love Chinese. Little brothers: BE THE WARNED! The summer I get home we're having Chinese lessons. You two are going to learn this language and love it too (:

The miracle lady who came to church last week cancelled our lesson because things came up. But she made it to church again this week and re set up to meet with us! She loves church! And I love her.

Last week we went to this awesome pizza place for lunch. I could die. So good. Thin crust brick oven pizza! Delicious! And we always have it with the worlds best lemonade. Come to Taiwan and I'll show you all around Xin Zhuang. This place has a big part of my heart and will forever.

Also my companion and I are addicted to chocolate. We eat probably way too much of it. Stress eating. Eek. I'm gonna get fat!

This week we were busy...but we also had a lot of people cancel on us. We had 12 lessons cancel. Not gonna lie-- that's a little disheartening because I want to see these people, but we'll overcome this small set back and blessings will follow.

Also-- I have no idea if I told you all about L. He's this african man that used to live in our complex. We ran into him one night and he asked if we could find time to sit and talk sometime. Thinking he was interested in the gospel I told him I'd get him in touch with the Elders. We exchanged information and he said he'd sms me some time (the means text.. which I had no idea). My companion helped me later to discover that he was asking me out for Saturday. Well that was a month ish ago. Obviously I didn't go out with him. He called once which I didn't realize until way after the fact and he texted twice-- the second text he was obviously really upset that I never answered. Well just the other day after a lesson that our investigator didn't show up to, my companion was locking the church gate while I talked to pan jm. Lamine totally saw and came over. It was so awkward and I'm pretty sure he was REALLY offended. I really should just give him to the elders as a referral and let them take care of it. Yuck.

Also we were teaching this awesome 8 year old the lessons. She's so great... but we just found out at the end of our last lesson when we tried to set a baptismal date that she's actually only 7. Way to go. Needless to say, we're not teaching her anymore. She'll get baptized after I'm already back in Virginia. Lol.
While at her lesson though her aunt gave us this drink... so gross. It tasted like apple juice mixed with vinegar. I thought I would die. It cringed to get it down.

Speaking of eating weird things... I have now officially eaten pidan (1000 year old egg). Not a fan. It was in a soup that they fed us after church. It just tasted like metal and acid and it was not a happy taste. You can look that one up... I'm pretty sure it's not healthy. Does America have any food that is weird like that?

Lastly I have to tell you about yesterday. YOU DO NOT KNOW RAIN IN VIRGINIA! Biking in it is super fun.. and also the pits at the same time, but mostly super fun.

We got a referral whose appointment was already set up for us. We met with her yesterday. We were already on the road when the storm hit (big big storm. like street flooding, wind blowing, thunder and lightening crashing storm. not to mention that the rain is acidic so when it got in our eyes it burned like crazy) so we pressed on in the madness until we got to her house (with getting lost though we had to carry our bikes down a large set of stairs and back up on the other side... it was interesting, my companion compared that part to the women's pull at trek). When we finally got there she saw how wet we were and gave us clothes to change into so she could stick ours in the dryer. So we taught her lesson while wearing her t-shirts and sweat pants. It was so hilarious! And we are a little bigger than her but it was good. The lesson went well. She's really interested and has a lot of good questions. She was scared to say the closing prayer but she committed to next time doing it and instead I helped her 6 year old daughter say a prayer. I think that really touched her. Overall--good experience. (:

Well that's all for this week. The christlike attribute I'm working on is patience for sure. I love the work. All of you should do your part too. 

Be safe! Be healthy! Be wise! 
Love you all!
 This would be our all time favorite dog, mr. pan. or mochi (sp?). He is the dog of perhaps my favorite family in taiwan. and he LOVES americans

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hello my lovelies~

I'm sorry to admit that I don't have much to write about this week.

So I should tell you all about rain in Taiwan. SO HILAROIUS! When it rains here.. no really, it's ridiculous. It's so fun riding bikes in the pouring rain... until you have to go sit in someone's humid home and get water all over their house. The rain part is AWESOME THOUGH! Really. It's like those buckets that dump at water parks. Moral of the story: I love rain <3

My companion and I decided that we need to step up body beautiful program because let's be honest-- it's not working. We're giving up candy this week. Moral of the story: I will shed all my tears because right now we eat chocolate after every meal. Hmmph. Not a fan, but if my investigators can give up smoking, surely I can exercise a little self control.

Two nights ago my companion and I decided to have a movie night. IT WAS SO AWESOME! We found a Mormon Tabernacle Choir film about "Joy to the World." I'm not gonna lie-- it's a fan favorite. We popped popcorn (also-- i love butter so much). Then we sat on my bed after planning and watched the movie. I liked our little theatre. It was super fun and actually a really good film about Christmas. I'll keep that in mind in 6 months when Christmas comes around. I LOVE CHRISTMAS!

You should know that I am not a fan of large bugs that don't die and they can fly. They are... .eek I can't even right about it without feeling antsy. Or better yet cockroachy! Not even kidding. You do not even know how nasty these guys are. The other night right when we got home I was making some phone calls and my companion was organizing our ensigns. Then suddenly she just screamed and jumped away. Eeek! Roach spotted. I wasn't even gonna go near that half of the room. Needless to say-- being the wimps we are. We called the elders because they live right by us. We gave them the keys to our apartment and sent them up to the war zone. They came back 10 minutes later gave us our keys and showed us the picture they took of the sign on our door that says "we are the number one babes!" Embarrassing--- but I'm just glad they got the roach.. OR SO I THOUGHT! The little bugger was sitting in a box on my desk! They only stunned him. I grabbed the box with two notebooks and threw him off the balcony. Box included. We grabbed the litter the next morning. Oh I could die. So nasty. I hope to never have that experience again...

Mostly this week was kind of anti climatic. We did have a member of the seventy come... While we waited for him we set up to take a picture and sang hymns. My companion informed me later that an elder touched my hair. WHAT?! BU XING! (not okay) Apparently he brushed it off my shoulder... which I would have probably noticed if it weren't for the massive 70s shoulder pads on the blazer I was wearing. So hilarious. And so awkward. THIS GUY!

I feel bad that I don't have anymore exciting things to share. Our investigators are doing well. Oh and the visit with the seventy was... insightful. I didn't have to give my talk. We did talk a lot about working with members and less actives. The ward I am in only has 20% active members. Result of the visit with the seventy== las night we had an awesome meeting with the Bishop about who specifically needed our help. It was probably the most useful meeting with ward members I've been to. We're excited this week to put the things we learned there into action. The Less actives won't even know what hit them!


ps. this guy by us in the internet cafe is hardcore playing some killing video game and the sound effects are off the wall... and incredible annoying! Seriously who goes to play on the computer this early in the morning?!

LOVE YOU! LOVE THE WORK! And I'm very hungry this morning.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Transfer 4: Commencing

This has been a good week. A quick week. Typical. They fly by. I made a list last night of the things I wanted to mention so now I'll send you all a random smattering of things from this week that I thought of.
Last Monday we went to Chili's with a bunch of elders from our zone. It was mega fun and tasted like America. SO WEIRD! But so good. I love that place. And I love eating. My companion and I are the food girls because we talk about food all the time. People think we're fat. On Monday evening I gave a man named Gary a Book of Mormon. He's our taxi driver. My first transfer Sister Daye and I had a taxi lesson with him. He wasn't super interested, but he is interested in English class. My second transfer we saw him again on the street and he pulled up to say hi to us. Then we saw him on Monday. We passed him and I just yelled out his name, turned around and went to say hi to him. He's such a cool dude! He was excited to get the Book of Mormon and he said he'll try to find time to read it.

We also started teaching an 8 year old the lessons. Her cousins and siblings are members but her parents aren't. She's great and she knows exactly that she is meeting with us to prepare her for her baptism. She's the cutest little girl!
Last Friday we did temple tours. I love temple tours. But sometimes we give tours to people who dominate the conversation. A recent convert came to us asking for a tour. We only had a few minutes until we had a training meeting so we figured to give her a quick tour. She said she wanted to learn more about bible stories so we headed over the the painting about the bible stories of Christ. At every painting she stopped and told us the story. We hardly got a word in. And she just talked and talked and whenever we started to share something she interrupted. Definitely a patience tester. It was... interesting. The whole tour only lasted about 15 minutes though. I am not adequately describing the situation. It was NUTS! Also on Friday I passed phase two for my language tests! Now I'm working on phase three (characters). It's awesome. I don't know if I ever mentioned my goal is to read the triple combination in Chinese before the end of my mission. Not much time to do that-- especially because I need to learn the characters first.
Also there are parades her almost everyday. Two days ago was one of the god's birthdays and there was this crazy huge parade. People had their faces painted and there were huge floats and also these guys wearing huge costumes (they were dressed up like the god). It was the coolest thing! I didn't get a picture though because we were just biking by.
We met a lady on the street the other day who was willing to set up to meet with us. I'm nervous to meet with her though because she said that she has to focus really hard to understand me because my accent is so thick. Okay, pal. I didn't think it was that bad. But according to her I have bad chinese. I just hope that she understands the things we want to share with her. Those are more important than the language.
We have a new missionary in our area. And another new missionary in our district. They are cool. We're all gonna hang out today for pday!  Also I'm the English leader for our English class. I honestly have no idea what that means, but I'm gonna figure it out and try to be the best English leader I can be.
Also, everyone thinks Sister Boyer and I are twins. PROBABLY BECAUSE WE ARE! Seriously though. Her sister calls her beans. Ya'll call me bean. We find different similarities every day. And we both love pickles. Mmmmm. And gummy bears. And chocolate. mmmm mmm. SUDDENLY I'M SO HUNGRY!

Sister boyer and i have a goal to take a picture everyday which we're failing miserably at. But we needed one yesterday and decided that we'd take a selfie in the bathroom of the church lol. but we didn't wanted it to look like a selfie so we tried to hide the camera... obviously that didnt work. evident by the orb exploding from my arm. we laughed so so so hard by how ridiculous and hilarious this picture is. This is a pretty accurate depiction of how things are with us. just crazy... and laughable!
One day we knocked on a door and a man let us in. Okay back up. There apartments are all stacked on top of each other and in order to knock doors you just stand at one door the whole time and ring the bell for different apartments and talk to them over a loud speaker. Then when the door is opened you get to a bunch of stairs to climb that has people's individual doors there. So a man let us in without even knowing who we were or talking to us. Then we climbed up to the stairs to his front door (and actually had no idea if it was going to be a man or a woman). We saw him peek out and said who we were. Then I realized why he was peaking... He was completely naked. We left as soon as that information was made known. Eeek. How awkward!
Also-- PDA is gross... in all countries. On our way home from temple tours we were sitting on the MRT just minding our own business and a couple sat right in front of us and who knows what was going on but it was not cute at all. I hate pda. I hated it in America and I hate it here too. It's just icky.
Also I'm not sure if I've mentioned how they collect trash here.... not sure. Let me know.
The main thing I learned from this week though-- besides all the hilarious stuff-- is that people need to feel loved. We encounter so many people all the time that just don't feel loved or feel like they belong. It breaks my heart. I wish they knew how loved they are and felt it  regularly the way I do.
Oh on Thursday one of the members of the seventy is coming here as part of a mission tour. I have to prepare a 2 minute and 50 second talk in chinese with a memorized scripture on repentance. So stressful. I won't know until the day of if I have to speak. I was thinking though. When the scriptures says repent, it almost always says "come unto christ." An invitation to repent is an invitation to be one with Christ, and thus one with the Father. What a blessing! Plus when we repent we become worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost-- that is constant companionship from a member of the Godhead. That is a huge blessing. Moral of the story is: repent. It's good for you!
Love you all!
An investigator just went up to E. Hagedorn in the middle of sacrament meeting and gave him four pairs of sunglasses for us missionaries. such a hoot. oh and elder beck-- the elder that is on the far side just got moved to hua lian on the east coast for this transfer. cool.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

And another one bites the dust...

pertaining to the title "one" equals "week."

I have not bitten the dust. And neither has my companion. But this week has indeed.. because it ended and we are the last ones standing. DOES THAT EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE! I am so tired right now so I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors in the following sentences. My english is struggling. It's funny. In chinese "ta" means him and her. So sometimes I just accidently call everyone he in english. It's bad. It's really bad. Lol.


This week has been... hot. That's the best way to describe it. I feel like a sweaty beast. I wouldn't be surprised if no one wanted to talk to me.... And this isn't even the worst it gets out here apparently. I've already started shedding tears. Meh.

Last week for P-day we played this awesome game. "7 wonders." Get it. Play it. Love it. It's a great game. Totally Anderson.


Also on Wednesday we had a lesson with an investigator. She takes care of her sister's kids so she brought one with her. I brought those two little toys you've sent me in packages to let the kid play with. When I pulled them out the investigator said "oh look rong rong, the missionary is giving these to you as a gift!" WHAT WHERE DID SHE GET THAT ABSURD INFORMATION! I made sure to mention that my mom actually sent them to me as a gift. I guess the message that I wanted them back wasn't clear because when we left she put them right into her bag and took them home. There's no hope. She will probably keep them. Oh henry is lost forever... and the other one... I didn't even get a chance to name her. Blah.

I was reading in Mormon recently. Chapter 1 vs 15. Mormon was very young when he got a testimony of the power of Christ and his first reaction was the desire to spread it with all the people. Garrett and Braeden (and Daniel Kron because I know you'll get this): take note. You are all around that age. Your time has come. Go. Read the Book of Mormon. Pray and find out if all of this is true. Then boldly stand up for it. Don't be scared to share your testimony. And of course-- start now to prepare for your missions. You three will knock the ball out of the park, but you have to start preparing now. You can do it! I know the Lord will answer your prayers!

My companion and I have started doing a Body Beautiful Program every morning for our exercise time. It's a beast. And we are total babes. My goal is to have solid abs again before I come home. Holla!

Okay I have to tell you about this HILARIOUS dream I had the other night. In my dream I was laying in bed and I woke up because I needed to use the bathroom, but when I looked over my bed there were TONS of nasty little cockroaches running around. I freaked out because I didn't want them to climb on my bed and I really needed to use the loo. I don't know why I did what I did next but I guess I just felt like it. I took two fingers and started tapping on the wooden base of my bed. I tapped out a cute little pattern. That got their attention. They all lined up at the base of my bed, stood up, and started tapping on the wood and dancing. Shaking their hips, shimmying, the whole nine yards. SO FUNNY! Then my alarm went off and they all scampered away and I woke up. The end (:

The elders in my ward have an investigator that gave them a bunch of toe socks. They gave us each a pair. 

Also-- an investigator (who is not really investigating--he just knows us all) came into church and gave elder hagedorn four pairs of the worlds ugliest sunglasses because he's worried about us all protecting our eyes. SO HILARIOUS!

Another thing-- people here are big into putting kids into shoes that squeak every step. I shall never do that. It's really annoying.

The other day we were coming home late from a temple tour and we were going to be late for our next lesson so we had to book it. Seriously. I've never gone so fast or sweat so much. We made a trip in 11 minutes that we usually do in 25. It's not safe going as fast as we were at that time on that road. I hope to never do it again.

Last Tuesday before our district meeting we hit up IKEA for lunch on our way. We got lost... in IKEA. So hilarious. We were wandering all over the place for who knows how long. Then we were late for district meeting. We had to book it to get there though. I'm turning into a sweaty monster. It's disgusting. So hot here.

Also for finding ideas this week we walked around and talked to people about certain things according to what their dog looked like. Small shaved dogs- we talked about prayer. Small unshaved dogs- we talked about the Book of Mormon. Big dogs- go big or go home, we straight up asked if they knew what baptism was. We ended up having a lesson on the street that way and met a family who is willing to let us come by and teach them this upcoming Wednesday. COOL!

Wow. I just sent a smorgusborg of random things. It's because I made a list of things to mention. 

Moral of the story: I'm having many interesting and fun experiences.

I love it out here. Don't love the heat though. Eeek.

We ate spaghetti last week. So weird. And so good. Except that might be just because it's been awhile... and not because it was REALLY good spaghetti. We also eat a ton of ice cream. BECAUSE IT IS SO HOT HERE!

My investigators are also doing well. Keeping up with everyone and their spiritual needs is kind of stressful, but we're doing our best and I know the Lord will take care of everything else. It's so true though. I am completely unqualified for what I'm doing here... chinese, teaching the gospel, communicating with the ward, training, etc. But somehow things are still going. The Lord's hand is in His work and as long as I'm doing my best, He will make up the difference. I know that's true because I've seen it happen.

One of our investigators whose daughters are fairly recent members made it to church on Sunday. Apparently she really liked it. So happy! She is well on her way to baptism. I absolutely adore her.

Oh there's something. Being on a mission teaches you how to love. I love love LOVE these people. I love their food. Culture. Language. everything. Mostly I love them though. And I know that the Lord loves them too. A lot.

Okay that's all for this week.

You all are so great. Transfers are coming up this week. I'm staying in Xin Zhuang with Sister Boyer because she's still training. Six weeks from now (half way point of the mission--crazy) I could move... or I could stay. Bitter sweet. I'm not sure what I hope to do. Oh I also could train again. It happens. We'll see though. For the next six weeks though (aka beginning of summer- which hasn't started yet), Sister Boyer and I will keep working hard and taking names! Love it!

I love you all so much! Give each other hugs for me. See you in a few (fast sundays) <3


ps. there was an earthquake yesterday. Sister Boyers first. Exciting times in the neighborhood!

Oh and I forgot to mention the crazy massive parade thing going on outside our apartment yesterday. Our view was hai hao. The elders got a better view of it and rubbed it in our faces. Terds.

View from her apartment...
 Graffiti she walks by everyday...